About My Work
Fabric is comforting. I am a painter who fell in love with fabric. Spray paint is contemporary, edgy. Vintage accents evoke nostalgia, warmth. Combining the edgy with the comforting creates a unique expression in paint with timeless subjects intended to enhance the atmosphere of color in your home or business.

Things that glitter, sparkle...they appeal to the child in all of us. The sense of wonder in reflection of light and color. What I love about these pieces is the light changes the look of the painting throughout the day. I love to watch the eye of the whale light up around 5:00 when the angle of the light sets it on fire. The rest of the day the reflections from the stones and the metallic sparks in the paint shift with the light from the windows. And then around 5:00, something magical happens and it explodes into a burst of refractions and casts colored light in every direction.

I struggle with each hand-drawn stencil to create an instantly recognizable image that evokes a personal connection, a compassion and empathy from the viewer. It is my wish that each viewer will react to these metaphors according to their own life experiences and thus, my art will have a unique meaning for each individual.

About Me
I’m a Mississippi girl who’s been bouncing across the country this last decade, teaching art and seeking a way to use my university training to create a truly unique and personal painting style. Art has been in my blood all my life. I stumbled across this technique and the paintings just keep coming. This series has evolved over a long series of coincidences in my life that led me to appreciate beauty and then to frame it with a fresh combination of technique and mixed media. I create each piece with joy and labor and love and I hope each will find a home where it can shine.